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Treat-it compiles the data from the Therapist and Case worker. It is a comprehensive clinical documentation software package for the clinical rehabilitation industry for OT/PT/Wellness/ERGO/etc. Treat-it was designed as an ASP model for ease of use with clinics across the nation. It was designed for rehabilitation clinics to use and have the ability to have a complete breakdown of a patient’s problems, demographics, treatments, goals and outcomes. The software allows administrators of cases, finance staff and therapist to all input applicable data regarding a patient’s case. Treat-it also has a scheduling, financial system modules integrated with the system. The ability to integrate other systems or devices have been architected from design through WPF, XML, XAML, SOAP, etc.

Case Review System

The Foto Group Case Review Portal was developed as a tool to track, store and analyze our current business processes for case review at Blue Cross WellPoint. This software allows the ability to tie the patient data with the portal case data and report information at a granular level. The developed reporting allows the Foto Group to accurately analyze all case data at the payer code level tied to the cases being reviewed. The reporting system reflects true percentages on paid and denied claims per code and case. This allows the Foto Group to provide cost analysis reports at a code level per case which allows making decisions for claims approval easier for the insurance payer. The Foto Group Case Review System also handles the tracking of administrative and therapist time on a case which is also used in the reporting system. The system has eliminated the need for manually tracking items such as case status, therapist time, denials vs. approvals on payer codes, etc.

The security for the portal complies with HIPPA compliance standards. The Foto Group Case Review System tracks only a case id that has no relevance in our system unless you are relating back to the Well Point System. Second the patient name is also tracked in our system. All data tables tracking the case id or name is hashed/salted in our SQL Server Database (All values stored are encrypted). All pages on the portal are encrypted and all calls to the database in the portal use 3DES encryption.

Shown below is a breakdown of the portal features and a general overall scope of the Web Portal.
  • The portal allows multiple users to enter, modify, and report from any authorized location.
  • The portal tracks and reports on all codes with an accurate breakdown of administrative and therapist time.
  • Easy Maintenance allows the ability to accept, modify, or deny codes per case.
  • The Reporting System leverages all case data for comprehensive analytics.

Wellness Works  

Wellness Works ™ is a web based, telehealth/telerehab portal business model, Wellness Works™ 2.0. Wellness Works™ 2.0 is a unique, online telemedicine company that can deliver innovative and interactive b-to-b and b-to-c health and wellness programming and management through an integrated state of the art technologies platform.

Wellness Works is made up of specialized health care practitioners and consultants and lifestyle experts. We provide customized end to end design and support for health care applications and service capabilities.  Wellness Works’ mission is to provide comprehensive, person-centric telerehab and telewellness services and products to empower, enhance, and engage the critical success factors that create real lifestyle modifications and behavioral changes.

Wellness Works health care portal contains all the necessary components to analyze, coordinate, implement and measure multidimensional health care and wellness services. The online telemedicine business model is able to dynamically change as health care changes; integrating services and products as they are envisioned to be needed by the practitioner, the administrator and the client.