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Because The Foto Group offers a variety of services, we are able to provide personalized service to meet each client's needs. From Case Management to Policy and Procedure Development to Education Outreach to Medical Review, we have a service, or combination of services, perfectly suited to you.

In this section of our web site we invite you to review the details and benefits of our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.

Electronic Attachments

Over 20 years ago, The Foto Group was the first to introduce a therapy summary to facilitate Medicare claims reviews through Blue Cross of California. This form was revised for importation into the Florida Shared Systems (FSS). Because it was a cost-effective system for claims review, HFCA used the 5097A form as the template for their electronic therapy attachment allows medical review and decision-making on a majority of claims without requesting hard copy medical records. To further manage claims in a cost-effective manner, The Foto Group used the information supplied by providers on the claims in a cost-effective manner. To further refine the medical review process, HCFA contracted with The Foto Group to build out a Data Dictionary. This Data Dictionary was based on criteria sets developed from our experience in medical review using therapy attachments.

Review Forms

When specialized needs arise, we develop review forms to facilitate case management in the private payer sector. This need occurred with patients who sustained catastrophic illnesses and/or injuries, such as traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. Our review forms allowed providers to distill volumes of information into a two-page summary form that focused on the essence of medical review.